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Partnership: 4 effective ways to help your child study

A educação dos filhos está entre as maiores preocupações que os pais podem ter. Em uma sociedade cada vez mais tecnológica e individualista, transmitir valores humanos e conhecimento diferenciado às crianças é um desafio a ser encarado com responsabilidade pela família e pela escola.

At this point, you may be asking yourself: “How can I help my child to study?”. Know that this concern can be transformed into productive actions.

Neste artigo vamos trazer 4 dicas de como ajudar seu filho a obter um melhor desempenho na escola, adotando posturas corretas para contornar os principais desafios que possam surgir na vida escolar da criança ou do jovem. Acompanhe a leitura!

1. Provide a suitable environment

When we talk about a suitable environment, we are referring to both physical space and time. During the period dedicated to studying at home, the place should be clean and pleasant, noises should be reduced, and cleaning products with a strong smell should be avoided.

That's right! Sometimes these factors that are responsible for distracting the child from their tasks can go unnoticed. Cell phones and smartphones, the biggest villains in this regard, are not left out: so that your child is not tempted to see messages that arrive incessantly, guide them to leave the cell phone turned off and out of reach (in a drawer, for example ) when dedicating to tasks that require silence and concentration.

In order for this environment to be as pleasant as possible, involve your child in choosing the time and place for studies, after all, he will be the main user of this “small corner” and should not feel that this is a moment of deprivation. On the contrary, by establishing the routine, he will feel more motivated.

2. Create a study program

Muitas vezes, os pais ficam tão perdidos quanto os filhos por falta de um planejamento para esse momento de estudo. Não basta arrumar o ambiente e deixar que a criança “se vire”, pois é nesse momento que surge o desespero antes das avaliações, da tarefa esquecida ou da alegação de que não houve tempo suficiente para terminá-la. Ao criar um programa de estudos, tudo fica mais fácil e organizado!

Schools inform the dates of evaluations of the teaching stage right at its beginning. Leave this mini-calendar in plain sight, on a picture frame, for example, or taped to a bookcase. The important thing is for the child to visualize daily what lies ahead and organize himself for the next few weeks.

Another way to take advantage of this study time is by distributing the subjects by timetable. If the student took Portuguese and Physics classes that day, they should have 20 minutes at home to review the content of each one, research more about it on the internet or redo exercises. But be careful: don't confuse this process with homework, which should be done at another time.

3. Encourage different ways of studying

Even we adults are not free from the routine and its consequences: tiredness, discouragement, etc. How can I help my child to study and, at the same time, prevent this from happening to him? Simple answer: encourage him to study in different ways to avoid falling into sameness.

The more traditional ways are: reading, which is a fundamental activity for all subjects, drawing up diagrams and summaries, creating questionnaires, doing and redoing exercises with varying levels of difficulty, searching for interesting applications and websites, and even, if well oriented, inviting an colleague to study together.

4. Promote learning opportunities

If you think that learning only takes place through books and other educational materials, you are wrong! Check out the cultural section in the newspaper, do a quick internet search to see that there are amazing options to pique your child's interest.

Museums, exhibitions, squares, movies, walks in a historic place: finally, there is a world to be discovered that allows deepening knowledge of history, geography, among other matters.

After these tips, it was clear that the study time need not be punitive or boring. when do you start participate in your child's school routine, other ideas come up and you can find even more efficient ways.

Agora que você poderá dizer: “sei como ajudar meu filho a estudar”, conheça também maneiras de improve family life and have more balance!

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